23 May 2011

Introducing Doctor Daddy

Therapy.  That is why I have decided to start writing about the often mundane details of my life.  Therapy for me; a non-destructive means to vent the steam from underneath my shirt collar after a normal day in the life of a Cell/Developmental Biologist and full-time Dad and Husband.  I don't cheat any aspect of my life, and in doing so, I actually cheat them all.  Therapy for my wife, whom I will not publicly out at this point.  By getting these things out, maybe our relationship won't feel so strained at times.  Actually, she is as solid a human being as I have ever known, which makes my occasional transgressions all-the-more troubling and difficult to move beyond (for me).  Therapy for my kids, simultaneously my greatest joys and most insurmountable obstacles in life.  Extolling their virtues (which are plentiful) and lamenting their foibles here might just smooth our relationships - now and in the future when they can look back on this collection of thoughts and learn a little bit about what things looked like through my eyes.

If I have discovered anything through the first 4 years as "Daddy", it is that one can not totally appreciate all that a parent has truly done for them until parenthood is thrust upon them.  I have developed a profound respect for my folks - a stay at home Mom (though toting a Masters degree in Theology and re-entered into the work force for more than a decade now) and a Catholic Deacon/US Army Colonel/Jungian Analyst Dad (Colonel Deacon Daddy Sir).  They dealt with me, and my two sisters (both quite successful in their own rights...even if they don't view it that way) and all of the trappings and pitfalls of parenthood in the pre-ipod/cell phone/Nintendo environment of Upstate NY in the 80's and 90's.

I'm about to be 34 in a few weeks.  I'm a bit overweight, but not obese by any stretch.  I was athletic at one point in my life, and I'm working towards getting some of that back.  I am greying, and more importantly balding.  Married to a true sweetheart for almost 8 years.  Father to a newly minted 4 year old and her nearly 2 year old little sister.  Both girls are healthy (knock knock knock) and on the small side of the national average.  They have been beautiful from the moment I first saw them...each the same way...with Mommy laid out on the operating table and Daddy holding them for her to see as she was sewn up.  I got to hold my girls (selfishly) for the first 45 minutes of their breathing lives.  They were both alert and taking in the bright light and funny OB/GYN who delivered them.  Everyone in the OR commented on how alert they were.  The second's birth was almost a carbon copy replay of the first's.  It was comforting...an "I can do this" kind of moment.

I hold a PhD in Tumor Biology from Georgetown University, and harbor a not-so-closeted passion for great beer and better food.  I used to post quite often on the FaceBook deal, but sort of tired of it a while ago and finally decided to stop paying it much attention.  A portion of my life was returned to me, though I should admit that the e-addiction was more difficult to kick than I figured it would be.  This stuff actually is a small dose of iocane-like poison I think.  Thankfully, I've spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder.  So I have decided to branch out and do a blog in the hopes of achieving the stress-reducing sensation of tossing out word salad every so often without all of the immediate reaction and unsolicited advice associated with the book of face.

If you have found this blog in error, you are welcome to stay.  If you were invited to have a peek, you know you are welcome.  Maybe tomorrow I'll post something about my life to give you an idea as to what you can expect to see in the coming days/weeks/months...or however long I feel that this is necessary or helpful.


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